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Naomi’s Story: Missionary Kid / Daughter / Friend / Girl that matters

Naomi’s Story

Missionary Kid / Daughter / Friend / Girl that matters




A dwelling place together; an environment offering security and belonging

Home is a special place. It can change throughout our lives, but home is always a place where a person feels most themselves. It should be a place filled with joy, loved ones, and memories. As wonderful as home is, it can make being away from home that much more difficult.

Naomi is missing home right now. Her family is a missionary family from Malaysia. She has spent her whole life in that country, and she has grown to love her community, friends and home there. Unfortunately, at the start of COVID, her family was visiting the U.S., and they have not been able to return to their home in Malaysia since due to restrictions.

As a young girl, sweet Naomi is missing everything she knows from back home, and she is having a difficult time making friends right now.

In this season of feeling a little lost and homesick, let's encourage Naomi together!

Would you commit to writing Naomi a letter? A few simple words can speak greater volumes than you could ever know! Remind her that she matters!

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