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Annie’s Story: Friend / Daughter / Woman that Matters

Annie’s Story

Friend / Daughter / Woman that Matters



noun the action of being seen, rescued and set free.

We all navigate particularly difficult seasons. Sometimes we really need to be reminded that we are not alone and that we have someone fighting for deliverance for us. 

Right now, Annie is facing one of those difficult seasons. She struggles with anxiety and depression on a daily basis, and she has been having a difficult time finding her place. Her nominator explained that she has been struggling to find hope and faith.

Annie could really use some encouragement during this battle! She can use that reminder that she is not alone, and she has someone fighting for her. And WE can tell her!

Because we know that we all, including Annie, are not alone when we face these times of darkness as Psalm 34:17-18 tells us that “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Would you commit to writing Annie a letter? A few simple words can speak greater volumes than you could ever know! Remind her that she matters!

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